The world’s top soccer player, Erico Platana, is transformed into a soccer ball by a crazed magician. To regain his human form, Erico must learn to set aside his ego and collaborate with Daniel Siss...

6.40 382

The show is set in the fictional African metropolis of Kimoja City, where the storyline primarily follows the adventures of three close friends: Kiya, Jay, and Motsie. Whenever a crisis arises in the ...

6.50 584

This series brings to television the hysterical physical comedy that is the hallmark in Ubisofts wildly successful Rabbids video games. Irreverent, unpredictable and silly, the Rabbids are a mysteriou...

7.90 7.50 123

The show centers on Oggy, a blue cat, who would prefer to spend his days contentedly watching television and eating - if not for the three roaches in the household: Joey, Dee Dee and Marky (named afte...

7.50 7.90 133

(French: Les Grandes Grandes Vacances ) The Long Long Holiday recounts the daily life of 2 kids brother and sister, who are left by their parents at their grandparents’ house near the Normandy co...

6.70 7.80 108

In this animated series, Garfield, the iconic lasagna-loving cat, resides in the quaint town where his owner, Jon Arbuckle, lives. Throughout the episodes, Garfield embarks on whimsical adventures, ex...

7.60 7.90 120

Oggy and the Cockroaches is a comedic animated series that follows the chaotic life of Oggy, a blue cat, and his constant battle with three mischievous cockroaches—Dee Dee, Marky, and Joey. Despite ...

7.50 7.60 14